Course Information
- Course Price $250
- Total Students 800+
- Course Duration 4 Weeks
Arduino is an open-source prototyping platform in electronics based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Subtly speaking, Arduino is a microcontroller based prototyping board which can be used in developing digital devices that can read inputs like finger on a button, touch on a screen, light on a sensor etc. and turning it in to output like switching on an LED, rotating a motor, playing songs through a speaker etc. The Arduino board can be programmed to do anything by simply programming the microcontroller on board using a set of instructions for which, the Arduino board consists of a USB plug to communicate with your computer and a bunch of connection sockets that can be wired to external devices like motors, LEDs etc.
- LETFIX offers good compensation from companies looking to hire professionals with arduino expertise.
- LETFIX helps to improve your career prospects to a great degree.
- LETFIX provides qualified training with adequate industrial exposure.
- LETFIX provides certification course on arduino for which professional certificates will be provided.
- Introduction to embedded system
- Understanding Embedded System
- Overview of basic electronics and digital electronics.
- Microcontroller vs. Microprocessor
- Common features of Microcontroller
- Comparison between the two
- Different types of microcontrollers.
- Introduction to Arduino
- Pin configuration and architecture.
- Device and platform features.
- Concept of digital and analog ports.
- Familiarizing with Arduino Interfacing Board
- Introduction to Embedded C and Arduino platform
- Arduino data types
- Variables and constants
- Operators
- Control Statements
- Arrays
- Functions
- Pins Configured as INPUT
- Pull-up Resistors
- Pins Configured as OUTPUT
- pinMode() Function
- digitalWrite() Function
- analogRead() function
- Arduino Interrupts
- Incorporating Arduino time
- delay() function
- delayMicroseconds() function
- millis () function
- micros () function.
- Working with Serial Monitor
- Line graph via serial monitor
- Interfacing an 8-bit LCD to Arduino
- Fixed one-line static message display.
- Running message display.
- Using the LCD Library of Arduino.
- Arduino – Humidity Sensor
- Arduino – Temperature Sensor
- Arduino – Water Detector / Sensor
- Arduino – PIR Sensor
- Arduino – Ultrasonic Sensor
- Arduino – Connecting Switch (Magnetic relay switches)
- Types of Relay
- Controlling Electrical appliances with electromagnetic relays
- Working of a matrix keypad
- Using the keypad library to interface with Arduino.
- Interfacing Servo motors to Arduino
- Interfacing a RF Module
- Using serial input.
- Controlling LEDs with keys.
- Keys as toggle switch.
- Interfacing a piezo Buzzer
- Using a buzzer as an alarm unit
- Parallel Communication
- Serial Communication Modules
- Types of Serial Communications
- Arduino UART
- GSM/GPRS Arduino Interfacing
- This will involve designing, developing, coding and implement Arduino project. Projects will include but not limited to:
- Intelligent home locking system.
- Intelligent water level management system.
- Home automation using RFID.
- Real time clock-based home automation.
- Intelligent Automatic Irrigation System